
220 City employees make over $100k?

Someone needs to say it, that’s a lot of money compared to many hard working folks! The top three earners made $188-195k and all of them were police. I took the time to look through […]


On Racial Justice

People have a lot of legitimate questions for me on racial justice and I’m here to answer them. I’m against systemic racism and actively work against it. People can see clearly that it’s true because […]


Glass recycling, MAKE IT HAPPEN!

The City of Olympia stopped recycling glass and that’s ridiculous. No, “Hey we’re working on it!” Just a, “Put it in the trash or drive it to a spot downtown.” Putting it in the trash […]


Yes, I’m progressive…

Recently I was endorsed by the Thurston County Progressives. Some people think that can’t be. Of all three candidates the white straight male is the most progressive? It caused a lot of strife and for […]


The rent is too damn high!

This is now a classic meme at this point, but that’s because the sentiment was right on! In Olympia we’ve seen skyrocketing rent and housing prices especially in the last 5 years. The average home […]


Protest tactics that don’t work.

The following is a Facebook Post of mine from December 14, 2020. I’m posting it again here with some of the pertinent comments because we need to be able to look back on the protests […]


Anonymous rumors, why they must stop!

Let’s get to the bottom of some of these rumors. Like random people I don’t know calling me a white supremacist… “He now lives with ‘progressive’ Bruce WilkEnson who is most notable for being friends […]