(My comments from a FB thread with friends.)
I know those things he did. None of which was made better under Biden. In fact every single one was made worse by Biden. If I remember correctly, the Democrats impeached Trump for threatening to NOT send weapons to Ukraine. They also made up all the Russia/ Trump conspiracies to demonize Putin & Russia for four years. Trump didn’t do that, he was the victim of Democrats who did that. All of which was total lies, something which most Democrats won’t admit too.
As far as China, it’s true that Trump imposed tariffs on China, which Biden didn’t lift but then put more on. In fact Biden placed a 100% tariff on electric cars! Biden also called Xi Jinping a dictator multiple times. He also sent weapons to Taiwan, said that the US would defend Taiwan, put US soldiers on an island of Taiwan close to mainland China, sold Australia nuclear submarines and has gone around to every country in the region, like the Philippines, to push them into being against China.
I agree tearing up the nuclear deal with Iran & bombing Solemani was a terrible move. However, Biden did not reinstate the deal, which could have been a quick victory, and recently allowed for several attacks on Iran by Israel. As far as Israel, Biden openly calls himself a proud Zionist. There is literally no way Trump could be worse on that front and he wasn’t. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is not on par with facilitating Genocide. Even now Trump’s rhetoric gives more honesty that he isn’t comfortable with the continued slaughter of Palestinians. To try and wash the blood off Harris is completely against the facts. She could have stopped it.
Also you forget that Biden ended all the progress regarding North Korea that Trump had made. The US undoubtedly put its fingers on the scale in replacing the South Korean Government from the previous one that was closest to peace to the new one that is allowing the US to host nuclear weapon carrying bombers and submarines while increasing the very menacing military drills.
Comparing the Presidential terms, you’d have to go back to Jimmy Carter for a less bloody one than Trump’s presidency while Biden would be on par with George W Bush, with still some time left to claim worse. I’m not even counting the mayhem unleashed in smaller countries. It was as if Biden said to the CIA and NED, pull every regime change, coup or color revolution you all have been working on all at once everywhere. Also, to get back to Ukraine, that has cost easily half a million dead Ukrainians plus over a million injured easily. Plus Nordstream being blown up was the largest sabotage of anything ever and single worst manmade release of methane ever. Both of those things wouldn’t have happened under Trump.
Trump is anti war! He says so very explicitly and repeatedly! He said this in 2016 as well and to his credit, despite the decisions you rightly pointed out, he didn’t go into new wars (counting proxy wars) and actually did work towards peace on several fronts. I used to blame Trump for not pulling out of Afghanistan and Syria, but there is plenty of evidence that he was stymied by the Pentagon on these matters. However in any case, that’s a moot concern in comparison to the tragedy and past two years of near daily worry that nuclear weapons would be fired under Biden. And considering his mental state, I should say, under Harris, because she would have the exact same government as Biden.
Trump said this in December of 2023, “I’m the only candidate, and I think you know this, that can make this very important promise,” he said. “I think the world is in more danger than it’s ever been because of the power of weaponry, and I will be the only one that can say this with great surety: I will prevent World War III. World War III, we’re very close.”
Since then he has made it something of a major point he brings up, that we’re heading towards WW3 and he will stop it. That’s not a different emphasis on which countries to destroy, that’s an emphasis on not going to war. Frankly you should know better. You should know that the Democrats have wiped out outside pressure to the wars. And if there is any real outside pressure to be brought it’s during elections to reward the parties and people who are against wars and punish the parties and people who are for it.
I’ll be more straightforward with you. I find the Democrats to be absolutely disgusting monsters right now because of Gaza and Ukraine. When Bush started two wars I sure as hell didn’t vote for him for his second term. No I called him a war criminal and that he should be prosecuted, a position I still strongly support.
All the domestic issues that folks like to talk about under Biden, I’m frankly not impressed by either. He did close to zero of the things he said he would do as a candidate and of the things he did do they were all watered down. I definitely don’t believe a single thing the Democrats say. Trump’s less a liar and more just a bragger and exaggerator. I can deal with that. The Democrats on the other hand have lost their damn minds. It’s the toll that comes from trying to pretend to be like Bernie Sanders while really being the exact opposite.
(More of my comments on the same thread.)
It’s not so much that I want Trump to win as I want Harris to lose because of the fact that their team is leading us from bloody horrible wars to WW3 and nuclear war. That means I support Trump because he is the only one who can defeat Harris. Also, as far as tax policies, Biden didn’t tax the rich or repeal Trump’s tax breaks. Biden comes from a family of war profiteers, that’s how his dad made his money.
(More of my comments on the same thread talking about Jill Stein.)
I appreciate the sentiment but the reality is that Jill Stein has no legitimate path to victory. There is no scenario where she is made President. All the other candidates could die in a tragic accident and Stein wouldn’t be allowed in the white house. Ok? She’s not going to get 5% either & if she did, so what? She’d get federal matching funds? Slightly easier ballot access in some states? So her campaign would raise $10 million instead of $5 million in four years when they’re up against two billion dollar campaigns that also receive billions in free media coverage. Do the math. That’s a minimum of 100 times weaker of a campaign in 4 years if they do the best they could imagine now.
As I said though, Jill Stein is going to take the knee. Kennedy is out so she isn’t going to be running hard anymore. In 2020 she decided not to run because she wanted Trump to lose. Hawkins was a no name and the Greens got a quarter the votes. They took the knee for the Dems. She only ran because Kennedy becoming an independent, which caused Cornel West to become an independent, which opened the door for her to get votes without hurting Biden. Both Cornel West & Jill Stein acted like Kennedy was their main target. They were constantly trying to get him to debate them. Hello? He wasn’t the President or Trump! You’d’ve thought after he dropped out she’d be trying for his voters but she instead is criticizing him.
There is no way the situation in the mideast gets worse because of Trump. What Israel is doing to Gaza is the worst thing they’ve ever done and they’re doing it at the maximum pace and brutality they can. At the same time they’re hitting Hezbollah, Syria, Yemen and Iran as much as possible to provoke something by which the US would intervene. They’re on maximum belligerence and they’ve had 500 shipments of weapons from the US with full diplomatic support. I don’t think they can fire weapons faster. Meanwhile the US, right now, has at least two Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups, plus an Amphibious Strike Group, plus an Ohio submarine and very possibly three more aircraft carriers heading to the area now? It’s weird, but I can’t find where some aircraft carriers are right now and it bothers me. Because you don’t send 5 aircraft carriers to the area as deterrence. It can’t be worse.
Look, I totally appreciate your sentiments and overall you’re completely astute and on top of it. Everything you said about what Trump did is true. I’m especially worried about Venezuela under Trump. However, Biden became President and didn’t correct for the Juan Guaido affair, kept Venezuela suffering under brutal sanctions even as Venezuelans flooded the border but worst of all, didn’t recognize Maduro’s victory in this summer’s election. The US stole CITGO from Venezuela and the English stole billions in gold reserves in London by this farse of not recognizing Maduro. If it weren’t for seeing that all the horrible things Trump actually did was 100% kept by Biden and made worse, I would be more worried about it than I am. As far as Sec of State, Antony Blinken is Zionist royalty, he’s just as evil as Pompeo but more competent at making his evilness look good. I mean he went to Kiev and played Keep On Rocking In The Free World at a bar there.
Look I’ve got other strategies concerning the elections that I’ve thought about that you’d probably like. Every four years we basically have the same miserable options except every time it’s worse, it’s more broken and it’s more downhill. I’ve voted third party in 2004 for Nader, 2012 & 2016 for Stein, and in 2020 I might’ve voted for Hawkins although honestly, I literally don’t remember, I was so pissed off, I might’ve written something in, chosen someone else or not voted. 😂 I’ve never voted for a Republican for President, so this would be a first and honestly the thought feels somewhat liberating.
You ever feel hemmed in as a radical or socialist or someone who wants not to be ruled by a death cult to be default considered Democrat? It’s like not going to church since you were a kid but being defaulted as a Christian. You can choose the Greens, you might even get away with being Libertarian but you absolutely aren’t supposed to ever vote Republican.
Well I’ve met plenty of great Republicans. I never disliked Republicans for being Republican, but I wasn’t going to vote Republican before, but now maybe I will sometimes. Why not? The media says that there are about half a million voters out there who’s vote will actually matter and they are the mythical fence sitters in swing states. Frankly if we were all like them it seems the power elite might be worried. Frankly I’ve gone to Democratic Party meetings and sat in the back and did not agree with a lot of the people in charge. I’ve also been to Republican meetings and found them more like Democrats meetings than anything else. Nice folks, don’t agree on all things, whatever!
Fact of the matter, if I were a young radical today in WA, I wouldn’t suggest they go into the Democratic Party and try and take it over. No, I would tell them to go to the Republican Party and try and take them over instead! It’d be less work because they’re smaller and they wouldn’t be ignoring you or trying to silence you. Plus you’d learn more by the challenge of bridging such differences. I mean yeah, there’s the Greens but I tell you that ship don’t work.
I have a plan that could make an impact in elections, or rather I’m working on one. It’s audacious and big and needs serious people involved who can think outside the box and not get bogged down in bs labels that don’t mean anything like Democrat, Republican, left, right, conservative, liberal. But with 2 months to go it’s not likely to launch this cycle although it would be nice if it gleaned some organizers to help. I could tell ya about it if you’re interested. But it’d be in real conversations not a message thread on FB. It’d be over coffee.
(More of my comments on the same thread, regarding Trump.)
It’s so nice to have my lovely dear friend decide to join in the conversation. You make some interesting points. I don’t want to sugar coat Trump, he’s a billionaire landlord born into his wealth, a blowhard narcissist, failed businessman, reality tv actor who makes money off his gaudy and rude brand. My opinion of him didn’t change much during his presidency. In my opinion he continued being rude, narcissistic, didn’t know what he was doing and basically was a moderate Republican doing what they always do whenever they win, which is cut taxes and regulations.
I didn’t support the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” that had Democrats losing their mind. I never fell for the lies about his being Putin’s puppet, that Russia rigged the election for Trump. Those were invented lies put out by Clinton to hide the facts on why she lost, which was because she rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders and was a warhawk.
Keep in mind she helped Trump win the Republican primaries by having the corporate media deliver $2 billion in free media coverage for his campaign while Sanders got about 15 minutes of news coverage for his campaign. I mean, why wouldn’t she? She went to his wedding, him and Bill were golfing buddies and their daughters Chelsea and Ivanka were best friends. Trump was a NY Democrat his whole life who supported her becoming Senator for NY and supported her 2008 run for president against Obama.
I think we need to keep in mind Trump declared bankruptcy six times. For a while he was put on a $500k/ year allowance from the banks after his bankruptcy. He escaped being totally ruined because the banks saw that the Trump brand was valuable. In fact now most buildings with TRUMP put on it aren’t owned by him they’re managed by his company. That’s why he was on reality tv for a decade. Do successful billionaire businessman usually work reality tv for their money? Plus his guest appearances on pro wrestling where he plays the heel.
There are some excellent articles from 2016 talking about this, about his reality tv acting and his pro wrestling role as heel. He even hired an acting coach to train him because he had a potential part where he was supposed to play the president in a movie. Supposedly it fell through so he decided to run for office instead. People forget he ran in the Republican primary in 2012 as well. During that attempt he was a joke candidate. He polled consistently at the bottom of the pack like 12th place with 1% support before he dropped out. It’s abundantly clear that the only reason he won the 2016 Republican primary was because the media constantly covered him because Clinton told them to which did come out in an email.
This was hardly a conspiracy in 2016. Everyone was angry that Clinton rigged the DNC primaries and the Republican primaries to select Trump. The feeling was so that she could win easier. Well she didn’t win. It seems that Trump probably got elected mostly by angry FU Clinton voters and people who just thought since the election is a joke vote for the funniest candidate.
Of course both candidates are approved by the power elite before the general. It seems to me that it was time for a Republican, since it had been 8 years, and they needed to make a boogieman. So they really did.
Frankly though, his presidency wasn’t all that crazy. January 6th was the most overhyped bs I can possibly imagine. First it was a small rally. It was supposed to be his big finale! His campaign spent millions on it flying in and putting up in hotels his most wingnut supporters pulled from sophisticated lists of millions of people and that was all he could pull, roughly 35,000 people. Then Trump’s march had only about 4,000 and by the time they reached the Capitol building there were about 2,000 outside and something like 600 went inside. To put it in perspective The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, put on by Jon Stewart in 2010, had about a quarter of a million people. The Wisconsin protests of 2011 had about 400,000 surrounding the Wisconsin capitol. I mean I occupied the Olympia capitol with thousands in 2011 overnight! January 6th was a nothing burger but had media for over two years. As an activist, I would dream to have that kind of coverage. And they made little hero martyrs of those who were there with over 100 of them running for office! I mean… it’s fake bs. The billionaire power elite want a far right and worked to inflate it out of the tiny groups out there with incredible levels of media coverage and lots of money. And yet the turnout is still basically nothing and basically harmless. There was 0 chance of a takeover that day.
So I think Trump is playing a role. I think that all the charges against him were a show to help him get free media to win the primaries AGAIN! Trump gets sued constantly, court charges are no sweat off his back. But it does cement this actor billionaire as the baddie outsider despite having been President before. I mean the media acted astounded that every charge his polls went up! Do you actually believe these folks didn’t know that would help his image? Come on! Then the barely discussed assassination attempt. So many questions. I think it was faked. It really changed the tone, suddenly he’s Presidential! Then we have Biden drop out, if you didn’t see that coming I have a bridge to sell ya, and who do they go with? Harris. Then she picks Walz for VP. These are C level candidates, the A list candidates didn’t want to try for it given the polling.
Yeah so maybe Harris wins, maybe Trump. Maybe they’re both just actors for the most part. But Trump is the anti war candidate. In the power elite, some want war and some don’t as much. Some want it in Iran and China, others in Russia and North Korea. Some want it worldwide everywhere at the same time. That’s team Harris. Because if you’re rolling out a nuclear war you want to have a black Indian woman who is a Democrat sell it, not Trump. Then when the mushroom clouds clear away, the survivors can all be like keep your woke nonsense away from us you evil Democrats and some white male savior will rise up and say calm the eff down.
(More of my comments on the same thread, regarding Trump.)
Being antiwar is NOT a divisive and charged topic. It’s the majority opinion of US voters. Poll after poll will tell you that. There really is no grassroots movement for more foreign wars. The US is at blame for every Palestinian killed. The US is at blame for the war in Ukraine as well. If it weren’t for the extreme propaganda, repression and silencing of dissent, there would be no support at all for these wars. It’s not a divisive issue, it’s a dominated and controlled issue. What a political candidate faces by being antiwar, isn’t losing the popular support of the electorate. They lose their funding and are attacked by incredibly powerful war profiteers who control the media. People who don’t support democracy at all.
(More of my comments on the same thread, regarding Trump.)
Sorry dear, but you’re mistaken about whom is spreading the dangerous propaganda. I truly wish you were right though! Wouldn’t life be so much sweeter? Where one side is good and the other bad and it was all very clear and honest?
(More of my comments on the same thread, regarding Trump.)
Yes well no one is denying his wrongness, at least not me. I’m providing a practical assessment. These are my calculations for lesser evil voting. It’s not adequate anymore to assume the Democrats are the lesser evil face of our power elites’ pet two headed dragon.
I have come to terms that the two heads are not the same, they play different functions necessary for the power elite’s control and one cannot function without the other. Be that as it is, I have sworn no allegiance to any particular dragon’s head or the side they control. I don’t even feel strong malice towards their pet two headed dragon.
Many good people are swirled up in their machinations, only very few have any but limited local control. Most are chained to their function or pulled by their tethers to support their masters will. I am not welcome. Rather, the truths I say and the strategies I support are not welcome. I am poorly mannered in the skills of insider reformism. I am usually impressed by those that are, especially if they can avoid getting lost.
I know that few currently feel the way I do about matters of foreign policy and its importance at the top when it comes to federal elections. There are reasons for that, some that are obvious about people caring more about the issues directly impacting their lives, some reasons nefarious. When talking heads make it a point every election season to repeat over and over, whenever foreign policy matters come up, that the American public doesn’t care about foreign policy, that’s a trick. These are not the droids you are looking for!
That rhetoric was repeated even back in 2004, 2006 & 2008, that the voter doesn’t care about the wars, during a time when the biggest marches were happening against the wars around the world. People now are having protests all over the country about Gaza, not against immigration, but the media says that it’s not important.
Half the federal budget goes to cover the costs associated with the military, wars and the security state. Yet as voters we are instructed to ignore it. If the US economically collapses in the next months to handful of years, it is that which has bankrupted us, hands down, yet it won’t be blamed.
The power elite’s number one goal, in terms of propaganda and control, is in prioritizing and framing. Artificially elevating some issues to the top while bottom listing others. Then each issue is boxed in on the edges as to what are allowable positions to take in order to frame discussions. They needn’t control debate, only the framework of debate and discussion. They needn’t censor topics, only prioritize them.
The mechanisms for how this is done is very complex. If you were to say that what I’m describing is just an organic process you’d be partially right of course. All societies naturally have developed organic mechanisms for maintaining their communal sense of identity. However, in the case of the US today, the bottom up organic process is overwhelmingly subjugated by top down thought control.
We can measure the organic vs artificial influences put upon our minds but it’s not an area of much study. I am somewhat embarrassed to say that it’s only the past few years that my wondering on why media activism, academic studies on US propaganda and manufacturing consent got such little attention in even activist circles despite its enormous importance, turned into an “Oh! Duh!” The reason being that it’s because of how immensely important the subject is that activism, academics and discussion on the subject has been, of course, extremely suppressed.
The power elite deprioritizes most of all the issues, subjects and information that would be most dangerous to their control while prioritizing the issues that are of most importance for their control. I like to try free thinking about what I think is important and compare it to what the media tells me is supposedly most important. They’re usually very different lists. One of the most annoying elements is that while many can hear the list I might present as being of logical, rational, quantitative, moral and ethical significance, the priorities list that the power elite have rammed into our brains feel more important to most people, even to some degree myself.
It’s because their prioritization list is repeated over and over. Their framing of their priorities is usually narrow in reality but is discussed in such frequency that it becomes a complex web. Their priorities and their framing just take up so much more space in our minds. Plus, more importantly, their priorities and framing are embedded with emotion and feeling. So even if people agree that a priority list that myself or a small group of people put out seems like a better prioritization of issues, it has an incredibly difficult time in being taken seriously.
I mean, most people in the US don’t realize that today, right now, we are the closest to nuclear war than at any point in history, even closer than during the Cuban Missile Crisis and in the 80s, during peak Cold War. The power elite have made sure to artificially minimize this in the brains of Americans to the point where it gets almost zero discussion. This is objectively the most important issue by leaps and bounds that we are dancing on the knife’s edge when it comes to WW3 and Nuclear destruction. Yet, I’m guessing that most people hearing me say this, even hearing thorough explanations as to why, simply can’t move it to the top priority place of concerns or if they do, they can’t keep it there, because the power elite priority list will push it back down and out of mind.
That’s just one example, I could do it all day, list important matters that objectively should be discussed and prioritized much higher but aren’t. I could do the reverse as well, take the artificial priority list put into our brains and show how it doesn’t make sense that this or that issue should be prioritized so highly. The thing is anyone could do exactly what I am saying for themselves as well.
If I were a teacher, I’d give it as an assignment. Sit down with a paper and pen, and write a list of every issue that you think is brought up the most in media and in conversation, then put it in the order that seems to match the media priority. Then sit down, and this is harder, but think deeply, quantitatively and qualitatively, realistically and logically, about what issues you see out there. Then put them in order of objective importance as best you can. Try and avoid just copying the priorities in the other list. If you do, try and justify them by metrics that are definable. Really dive into your huge heart and big brains and go deeper into what is ailing America and the world. Avoid all the issues that are nebulous, like saying we just need more love or peace and instead list things that are real and substantial.
I’m guessing the two lists are very different. Honor the priorities that come from you and your roots, observe the priorities that seem to come from elsewhere or are prioritized to high or low.
Finally, never follow anyone or anything because of fear of the other. If you fear something it’s either because you were taught to fear it or you don’t understand it. Fear is a signal to your brain that you need more information to achieve confidence. I don’t fear dangerous things, I understand the threats and proceed accordingly. I certainly don’t hold respect for any party that uses fear as its major tool to get their candidates elected.
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