Not Biden because of his US proxy war against Russia. That was enough. Then his genocide of Palestinians compounded my reasons. His disastrous debate, on top of the many previous and post examples of his mental and physical decline, make me think he needs to be removed from office today because we can’t have a war monger who is losing his marbles make decisions on nuclear weapons. I certainly wouldn’t support him for 4 more years.
It’s fairly certain he’ll be replaced at DNC or lose to Trump. Whomever they replace him with is not likely to win me over, because the Dems nationally are in lockstep on the issues I am most profoundly concerned with. I support reversing our direction further into WW3. Trump and Kennedy both are vocally better on this than the Dems who don’t have a single national voice of dissent on Ukraine.
I would love to see Kennedy take the Presidency. It’s possible as Biden falls apart. If Biden isn’t replaced at the DNC I think many never Trumpers may go to Kennedy. It’s all seemingly up in the air but at the same time it’s all a sham. There are lots of surprises in pro wrestling for the audience but it still is fake!
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