
Biden’s FDR redux.

Biden’s state of the union address had its most important line as the first. From that line we can see a trajectory that doesn’t bode well for the world. I can imagine that this year […]


NATO Don’t Do It! #AirDefender23

NATO’s Air Defender 23, starting today, might be the worst decision ever made. A devastating direct entry of the US and Europe into the Ukraine war. Turning this ill-conceived exercise into World War 3. “Air […]


“NATO Don’t Do It” Day! June 9th!

PROPOSAL: Emergency rallies for the prevention of war on Friday, June 9th, called “NATO Don’t Do It” Day! The neoconservative warhawks of the power elite are thirsty for the blood of Russia. They may be […]


My interview on the Adam Dealan-de podcast

It was a fun conversation meandering the complexities of woke politics in Olympia, imperialism, Ukraine, Black Lives Matter, philosophy, trans activism and beyond. The video and audio quality could be better, that was my bad.


China stands for peace. The US for… war?

China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis 2023-02-24 09:00 1. Respecting the sovereignty of all countries. Universally recognized international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, must be strictly […]